Regardless, I need to plan and learn as much about the area as possible. Here are some links I've found so far:
- The local newspaper
- The official City of Melbourne site
- The apartment complex we're likely to live in when my family joins me (I'll have to be away from them for a few months)
- Statistics on Melbourne
- (added 10/12/06): The Florida Virtual School system, where middle- and high- school students can take courses that count towards their high school degree, for free if they're Florida residents
- (added 10/15/06):
- Brevard County Libraries
- Florida Youth Soccer
- Brevard Football Club
- Youth Soccer in local newspaper
- Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida
- - the highly recommended planned community
- Platbook community listing; helpful for when real estate listings say what community things are in. The Platbooks themselves are here.
- map of various statistics in Brevard County; flood planes, house sales, etc
- Boy Scouts - Council of Central Florida; Eagle District (northern areas of Brevard County); troops in Florida
- Surfing Camp - could be a replacement for downhill skiing
- (added 10/29/06):
- Local Professional Soccer: Cocoa Expos
- Florida is the Lightning Capital of the World, hotspots for lightning
- Melbourne National Weather Service
- (11/6/06):
- Comparison of census-type stats of Melbourne vs Rochester
links on moving in general:
10/15/06 - re breaking heart - son seems like he's been thinking about it a lot, and noticing that changes are happening with lots of his friends. When I told him how I didn't want to break his heart, but that I was afraid that I would have to, he responded saying it would be hard, but I got the idea that he wouldn't feel completely heartbroken, even though he loves his life here (Roch).
11/29/06 - Over Thanksgiving we announced that it is quite likely that we are going. At some point since 10/15, son actually said that he was kind of excited about the idea. Now he's gone back to being really concerned about it and it's threatening to distract him from his schoolwork. :-(
I can see your blog now. Yeah!
What's your timeline for this move, Suzanne? I want to try to prepare myself . . .and William . .
we're looking at them moving after the school year (soccer tryouts immediately after - ughh - soccer season down there is Sept-May). I would move, alone, between 1/1 and 2/15. I am not happy about the separation.
Well, I'm glad that we'll have your son around to year end, but I feel for you moving alone! And I'll miss you!
Two of my good AC friends moving in one year - - very sad.
At any rate, I think it is nice that you are letting your son finish out the year. It will probably make it much easier on him (although not on you!).
I'm so sorry to hear that you and your family will be moving. I guess this means you will be working in Florida. I'll miss you, we'll miss you, we'll miss all of you.
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